Monday 23 March 2015

biwi ko police walo se bachaya- cross dresser sex stories

We were holidaying in India and when to Gujarat for a cultural tour. Both wife and I love drinking and were extremely disappointed when we found out that in Gujarat it was illegal to buy, sell, drink or serve alcohol. I had bought a bottle of whiskey from duty free shop but within three days, it had all evaporated in our blood streams. We spent two agonizing and painful days without any booze. Finally I asked a taxi-driver if he knew of a place where we could buy drinks. He looked around suspiciously and said with a wink that he could drive us to a small illegal bar that serves ?homemade? alcohol. We were over the moon and asked him to take us there instantly.
We drove around for 30 minutes leaving the main city behind and then turned right into a bumpy road leading to a really isolated place. I started to fear for our lives knowing the dangers of the unknown India but was relieved the moment the taxi came to a halt near a rundown shack. Although there was no car parked there, as our eyes adjusted to the dark of the evening, I spotted a few bicycles and an odd cycle- rickshaw. I asked the driver to accompany us and that we would leave after buying booze. He froze. He said, that the bar only served booze on their premises to avoid getting caught by the police. That put is in a difficult spot but he was happy to sit with us and drink till we liked and then he would drive us back to the hotel, he said. Then he drove his car deep inside the forest ? some distance away from the shack and returned to meet us.
We stepped inside the shack and I was amused by the atmosphere. My wife was not so thrilled but I loved it. There were about 40 men inside ? not a single female ? and all of them were low-class laborers or workers. You didn?t need to be an expert to know that, the smell could tell you. The stale musty room was thick with the smell of sweat and male musk. It was also full of cigarette smoke. But definitely the men noticed my wife ? who wouldn?t. She is slightly taller than me at 5?10? and she must have looked magnificent standing next to me. She is not a petite woman and her heavy breasts and ample ass jiggled with every step she took. To make matters worse (or better) she was wearing this stretchable tube dress that clamped on her like second skin, accentuating every curve, every portion of the meat on her body. And her creamy white skin shone like a diamond in a dark room. Her long lush auburn hair flew like clouds on a breezy night. I looked at her and sighed once more just like the almost 100% or eyes riveted on her.
Driver, whose name we learn later was Pradeep, led us to a table in the far corner (frantically evacuated by the owner / manager). They only conversed in the local language so I couldn?t understand a single word. But there was a lot of sniggering, crude tone in the exchange. Anyway, to hell with manners, our drinks arrived ? two bottles; one full of an orangey-brown liquid and the other one a murky-white. The brown one, Pradeep told me eagerly, was made of barley and the white one was made from rice. To hell with that too and we started drinking. My wife had so many questions for Pradeep ? the first ?real? local we had met and he was eager to make friends with us and answered patiently. While they were talking, I noticed that Pradeep was an absolutely ruggedly handsome man ? in his 50s he was confident despite his poor English, he was charming ? as was evident from my wife?s admiring looks to him; and?and?I can?t quite figure out how to say ? but animalistic. He had a rawness to him that was like an animal ? the way he bared his teeth, the way he slapped his own thigh, or put his arms around my shoulder. And I slowly started getting jealous. Then I laughed at my own feeling. I was jealous of an old fart of a black, smelly Indian driver? No way man. My lovely wife of ten years would not even think of him sexually.
My reverie was broken when Pradeep asked me, ?Sir, you want to go bathroom?? I wondered for a minute and then realized he probably meant toilet and feeling a building pressure in my bladder happily accompanied him. The ?bathroom? was actually just the bushes. So while I fumbled awkwardly, Pradeep pushed his hand deep inside his pants and with some difficulty hauled out a black uncut cock that was easily nine inches soft. I am used to watching big black cocks in pornos, and I have seen my share of cocks in the gym locker room but to see one just two feet away ? with a heavy stream of golden shower erupting like a fountain?I was awed to the sight. So much that I stood holding my six-inch hard cock in my hands unable to piss. He finished and jerked his cock dangerously spraying last droplets of his Indian smelly piss all over (a few on my jeans). And even then he squeezed the base of his thick cock with his forefinger and thumb and extracted a few more drops of piss. Then satisfied, he slowly pushed it back in his sweat-stained khaki pants. Then he looked at my cock, winked at me and said, ?Sir, better finish fast.?
We returned to find my wife was joined by another man from the adjoining table. ?BL, this is Ramesh,? my wife slurred and introduced him to me, ?He pulls a rickshaw and has promised me that he would show me some hidden pleasures.? Ramesh looked a bit flushed as if he was not expecting us but he smiles, showing a missing tooth and his sunken cheeks got some color. ?Treasures?? he corrected my wife. My wife was by now a bit groggy from the strange tasting but highly intoxicating alcohol we had consumed in large quantities over the last two hours.
Then suddenly there was a commotion. Everybody was everywhere and loud noises and before we could understand anything, Pradeep and Ramesh hauled us to a curtained corner and before we know it we were running for our dear lives in the dark jungle behind the shack. Every time I tried to ask him, Pradeep hushed me severely. Once we were panting and my wife had no energy to run anymore we just sort of collapsed on the grassy but uneven path. Slowly, panting and gasping for air, Pradeep told us that the police had raided the shack and we would be in great trouble as tourists if we were arrested. I was really grateful to his bravery in protecting us and thanked him profusely. Not much drunk after such a heavy run, my wife said, ?Unfortunately we don?t even have anything to drink, I am thirsty.?
This time Ramesh rescued us. Smiling wickedly, he produced four bottles from his hand back. Apparently he had picked up two bottles from our table and two from some other tables. Stuffed with clothes, the bottles didn?t shatter luckily during our run. Delighted with his offer, we started drinking straight from the bottle, one bottle at a time, sipping and sharing. Two bottles finished and my wife slowly slumped against a tree trunk and blacked out. I didn?t even notice till Ramesh pointed out that my wife had fell sideways on a pile of cow dung. It was horrible. Her entire dress was messed up and she was smelly as hell. But she was so blacked out that she didn?t respond to any of my calls. Finally, Pradeep suggested that we clean her up as he didn?t want his taxi to smell of cow dung. Ramesh enterprisingly found out a small rain-water pond nearby and between Pradeep and I, we carried my drunk wife to the pond.
There Pradeep asked me to stand behind my wife and hold her while they cleaned her. Using the empty bottles they started cleaning her dress but realized that it only made matters worse and the watery cow dung started seeping inside the dress. Finally Ramesh said aloud, ?I think we need to take her dress off, I can then wash it in the pond and Pradeep can clean her.? I was so drunk that my eyes were shutting off by themselves. I don?t think I was in any position to do anything so I thanked both of them for helping us. Somehow they managed to pull her dress off but instead of pulling it up they pulled it down and when it came to the neck portion, the fabric stretched to its maximum and ripped. They both looked aghast but carried on. I was not surprised that my wife was not wearing any bra underneath but they were. Pradeep didn?t look as drunk as before and Ramesh?s lower lip hung down obscenely.
?Sir, I will clean her side first,? Pradeep said as he poured water down her side and started rubbing the cow dung off with his bare hands. My shirt was getting wet from behind so we slowly made my wife lie down on the grass, with her head in my lap as Pradeep continued cleaning her. I had leaned against a tree was half asleep. And I saw from my half-open eyes that Pradeep was now unnecessarily pouring water over my wife?s creamy white breasts spilling all over her ribcage. He would watch me and then slowly rub her breasts. Every stroke emboldened him and he started slowly tweaking her hardening brown nipples between his thumb and the forefinger ? the same hand which I had seen squeezing the fat base of his cock. Although I was drunk, my drunkenness sort of slowly got replaced with a growing lust and desire to see if this nasty old Indian driver was going to do to my sweet but big wife.
I watched attentively as Pradeep massaged my wife?s breasts first tenderly and then harder. Ramesh, who had somehow washed my wife?s torn dress, had now returned to help Pradeep. When he saw Pradeep mauling my wife?s breasts, his eyes widened and without asking he dipped his hand in the honey pot by taking hold of the second breast. It was awesome to see these two native Indians mauling my unconscious wife with their big black calloused hands right in front of me in the middle of nowhere. Thanks to the moonlight I could watch everything clearly while they thought I too had passed out. It was Ramesh who suggested that they remove her panties to clean the thighs. Pradeep looked at me and seeing no response helped Ramesh take my wife?s soggy panties off. Now she was lying buck naked basking in glowing moonlight in front of two black smelly Indians.
Pradeep was now lying with his head close to my wife?s creamy white thighs. He was sniffing her pungent pussy hole like a dog in heat. He slid one of his hands in his smelly khaki pants and started rubbing his magnificent black uncut cock which I had already seen earlier. With the other hand he parted my wife?s furry pussy and started slowly fingering her. Even drunk my wife responded well to her manipulations and I could feel some squirming. I titled my head ever so slowly to get a better view and saw the reason for her squirms ? Pradeep had three big-boned fingers jammed in her cunt and her cunt juice was shining all over his black fingers. Ramesh had been busy with my wife?s breasts and had been inching closer to her mouth. He was so close to me that I could smell his sweat and body odor clearly. It was that kind of a smell that strangely aroused me even though it wasn?t very pleasant. Slowly he started darting his tongue like a serpent and started inserting it in my wife?s half parted mouth.
His entire body was inching closer to my naked wife?s delicious warm body his torn pants were straining at the crotch because of a huge erection. I doubt if he was wearing any underwear by the looks of it. His tented crotch was rubbing against the thigh of my tall wife just close to Pradeep?s face. Once the heat of his groin had reached an unstoppable extreme, Pradeep dipped his mouth on my wife?s steaming muff and started licking like a possessed man. His purple tongue was lapping along the pussy slit and thrashed her clit each time he reached it. And then he went back. His moustache was soon shining with my wife?s pussy juice and his breathing had become shallow. As he sucked my wife?s hot-pot pussy, Ramesh pulled himself up and straddled my wife?s chest without actually sitting on her. He had taken his dirty shirt off and I was face to face with a dirt-streaked, hairy black torso with two broad black man-nipples sticking out, waiting to be licked.
His hands fumbled with his pants and in a minute he was pulling on his still hardening cock. While Pradeep?s cock was magnificent, Ramesh?s dirty cock was absolutely disgusting and ugly ? this is not to say it was small. If anything it was even bigger than Pradeep?s mammoth cock especially because of its girth. It must be at least a foot long and as wide as a strong man?s wrist. Unsightly protruding veins trailed it from tip to the root. Not tip really, because the head of his cock was more like a horse?s cock ? flared and blunt. It was also a strange color ? black with pink spots, the spots were misshapen and as big as a wrist watch dial. It really looked like a beast?s cock. And below that ugliest cock that I had ever seen till then dangled a pair of the most humungous black furry balls. They had landed on my wife?s breasts and were spilling all over. Slowly, Ramesh wavered his monster cock under my wife?s nose, sure enough, as if on cue, she inhaled deeply and her mouth parted tentatively. Ramesh peeled his thick foreskin back and rubbed the slimy purple head of his cock on my wife?s lips. Her mouth parted some more and Ramesh thrust his pelvis slightly and the broad flared head of his horsecock jammed inside my wife?s large mouth. Ramesh sighed at this first contact with the warm wet innards of my wife?s mouth and gently started fucking her mouth. He was only pushing less than half of his man-meat in her mouth and her cheeks were puffed up obscenely just with that. Soon a continuous trail of precum flowed from the corner of her mouth as Ramesh increased the speed of his thrusts. He was about to cum when a shove from Pradeep made him lose balance and he landed over me, toppling me to the ground.
I couldn?t have pretended anymore. So I opened my eyes and tried to look offended when Ramesh who was very skinny surprised me by his move and pinned me down to the ground by straddling me. Now his massive ugly cock landed straight on my chin and his balls plastered all over my neck like a heavy gym weight. I opened my mouth to complain but that only resulted in him shoving his spasming cock in my mouth. While fucking my wife?s mouth he was that close to cumming and as he shoved his cock in my mouth it erupted in a torrent of smelly Indian cum, which I had no choice but to swallow. I thought that would get him off me but to my second surprise, his cock stayed hard and even though he had cum a bucket load in my mouth he started fucking my mouth again and this time he was not gentle about it.
I saw from the corner of my eyes that Pradeep was positioning his own mammoth black cock at the entrance of my lovely drunk wife?s pussy. He looked up and our eyes met, he winked at me and in a flash his gigantic cock had entered hitherto unknown depths of my sweet wife?s musky pussy. I was shocked to see that he managed bury his cock until his dirt and sweat-matted pubes mashed with my wife?s long wispy pubes. But there was no effect on my wife. He lay there on top of my drunken wife for a minute or two and her creamy white breasts pressed hard against his dirty hairy manly chest. Then he pulled up and started fucking her as if he had been fucking her intimately every day of his life. His cock shining with my wife?s pungent pussy juices pulled out till there was no contact between their sexes and then without even touching it with his hand he dipped all the way inside. I shuddered as I saw him fuck her bareback. The shudder was that of excitement.
Pradeep lasted about ten minutes and then in one final plunge he grinded his pelvis to strongly against my wife?s groin that I thought he would break her apart. But she merely laid there accepting his dirty baby-making sperm in her fertile womb. He spasmed and convulsed with each of his spurt and came for about three minutes and then slowly he pulled out his still thick cock with a plopping sound followed by a squelch. Ramesh was waiting for his turn and just as Pradeep pulled out, he dove into my wife?s well fucked and visibly battered pussy. She was so slick that he had no trouble in fucking her at all. He was pushing all of Pradeep?s sperm deep inside her with each stroke. The feelings of fucking a sloppy cunt must have been intense for he too fell down like a tree trunk as his ass jerked with each spurt of his thick creamy cum (I know, I had already tasted it!).
After a while we just sat in silence, slowly finishing the remaining alcohol and once we had finished all, the three of us got up and hugged each other to say everything was okay. We somehow put the torn black dress back on her and carried her to the hidden car. I sat in front with Pradeep as the insatiable Ramesh wanted to play with her limp body some more. At one point I saw him fucking her mouth and dumping another load in it?after that I just gave up.
My wife and I ended up staying two weeks more than we had planned in Gujarat. Pradeep and Ramesh became our good friends even though my wife never found out about her glorious and dirty fucking. But every night, without fail Pradeep and I got her drunk ? Pradeep even managed to get some sleeping pills to make her black out for longer periods. And my ugly-dicked friend Ramesh never failed to bring interesting black odd-job people with ugly and dirty cocks for my wife and my pleasure.

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